Mobile ad fraud is the attempt to defraud advertisers, publishers or supply partners by exploiting mobile advertising technology. Fraudsters use bots to spoof devices seen at a location to simulate using an app or seeing a mobile ad. The lat/long used in hot spot cases causes the counts of mobile ids seen at a location to skyrocket and increase the normal devices seen by a huge percentage.
In Geoframe and Quick Select audiences, there is something you can do to identify a hot spot. In the Audience Library, click the 3 dot "action" menu and click "view details." Go to the Geoframe tab, and find the offending location by looking at device count. If it is a Geoframe audience, try building the Geoframe using multiple parts, adding one at a time, until you find the area of the hot spot. Then recreate the Geoframe omitting that area. In a Quick Select audience, create a new audience without the offender location.