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I hit Publish, but I cannot see the Audience at my DSP. What can I do?
I hit Publish, but I cannot see the Audience at my DSP. What can I do?

DSP, visible, display

Bill Joscelyn avatar
Written by Bill Joscelyn
Updated over a week ago

Confirm your audience was properly sent to your DSP

In the audience library, identify the audience and click on the 3 dot "action" menu on the right, then click "View Details."  Scroll down on the page to find "Publication Information." Look at the Publication, Last Published date, and most importantly, the Last Count. There should be a number in Last Count. That number represents the number of Device IDs we sent to your DSP and they confirmed they received them. If count is blank, there was an issue. Either the publish request was not completed, there was some interruption in the upload, or the data was corrupted.

Check the status of the job associated with the publish in the "Jobs" section of the audience summary (above Publication Information):

  • Grey - means the job is still in-progress and should finish shortly

  • Green - means the job completed successfully

  • Red - means the job failed. If you see a job failure, please DO NOT re-try the job, clone the audience, or re-publish the audience. Failed jobs automatically get re-tried by the system. If it has been several hours since the failure and it doesn't appear to be complete, reach out to support via Intercom or email. Trying to publish it again can only hurt and delay the process. (Once submitted, there is no way to resubmit it, it will only create problems with the overall job queue for your organization).

If the Last Count column shows a number, the issue is with your DSP, as we have confirmation that they received the completed file. Depending on your DSP or social network, there can be a delay of several hours between publication from OnSpot and the audience appearing in your DSP or social network account. Remember, in rare cases some DSPs may take up to 24 hours to load your audience.

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