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Errors Uploading Files
Errors Uploading Files

commercial audience , residential audience, quick select, file does not match, required format

Bill Joscelyn avatar
Written by Bill Joscelyn
Updated over a week ago

Here is a list of the common causes preventing your file from uploading and completing...

First, the easy ones

  1. Improper column headings. You must use the correct column headings for the specific type of audience you are uploading. There is a separate template available for each. The best way to ensure your headings are correct is to download the .csv template from the file upload screen.

  2. Save your file as CSV UTF-8. All file uploads require CSV UTF-8 format to work properly.

  3. Non-quote encapsulated commas. A good rule of thumb if you are unsure that your file includes quote encapsulated commas, in Excel, would be to highlight all data and do a find and replace (finding all the commas) and replacing them with a blank space). The program is looking for commas to separate the data fields and if one is in your street address (i.e. "123 Main Street, Apt 7"  that comma between Street and Apt may be interpreted as a separation for the value and cause the error)

  4. Leading blank spaces before address, city name, state name or zip.  Some or all of the entries may have a leading blank space in front of the data entered in the columns.  (In Excel, this can be easily remedied using the "=TRIM(   )" formula)

  5. Blank lines or blank spaces anywhere in the data. Check all fields for data.

Now, for the tougher errors to find

  1. State names must be in the 2 letter abbreviation.  Common state name errors we see are
         a.  Some or all states are spelled out and not abbreviated.
         b. Only the 50 US states (and DC) are valid. Not USVI, or PR, etc.

  2. Street Addresses Errors  All addresses must begin with a number.  Addresses that do not begin with a numeric character in the street address will cause errors.  (no PO Boxes or other word only street names). Street addresses cannot begin with a hash sign (i.e. cannot be #24 Main Street).

  3. Apartment, Unit, or Suite Numbers - remove these from the street address.

  4. Zip Codes.  Each row must have a 5 digit zip code. If viewing in Excel, some might appear as fewer digits because of leading zeros. Although probably not necessary, you could reformat that column in Excel by highlighting the entire column then right click -> Format Cells -> Special -> Zip code. All rows must have a 5 digit zip code. No Blanks.

If you receive an error message, please review the above and if you still cannot get the file to upload properly, contact support.

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