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Audience shows "Out of Date." What can I do?
Audience shows "Out of Date." What can I do?

Out of date, expired date range, date range

Bill Joscelyn avatar
Written by Bill Joscelyn
Updated over a week ago

All audiences and reports at OnSpot are uniquely generated by a user. We do not save any audiences in our system, just the geography, date range and meta date (name, tags, etc). When you request to publish or report on that audience, we re-create it and provide you with only the freshest, most accurate data. Something none of our competitors can say. This huge advantage provides you with a lookback of no more than 12 months ago from today. And the most accurate ACTIVE device counts, as some devices originally seen 12 months ago are no longer active.

All data outside the 12-month lookback period is removed from our database and cannot be retrieved or added back.

If an audience is displaying Out of Date (example below), this indicates the date range used to create the audience is no longer within the 12-month lookback window, and thus, the data is no longer in our database for use.

You can however, clone that audience using dates within the acceptable date range and use that new audience in new reports you may need to generate, such as Attribution Reports.

(Note: The device ids published in the original request, if set to renew, will continue to publish as originally submitted.)

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