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All CollectionsAddress Uploads
Cleaning your .csv file before uploading
Cleaning your .csv file before uploading

address uploads, commercial audience, residential audience, upload errors

Bill Joscelyn avatar
Written by Bill Joscelyn
Updated over a week ago

To improve the match rate between your .csv file and addresses our system can accept to provide you with a device count, make sure your file adheres to the formatting requirements below.

Our system looks at the addresses in your file and compares them to those in our database, and if an exact match, we return the mobile IDs associated with that match.

Mistakes in the .csv file will lead to it not being accepted or certain rows not being processed, resulting in lower returned results.

We have provided a link to the specific templates for Residential and Commercial uploads. It is important that the headers on each column are exactly as shown.

File formatting items to check

  1. Make sure the template has addresses only. (Location names are used in the Commercial Upload, but no location or building names should be listed in the street address column of either the Commercial or Residential uploads.)

  2. Residential: Only 4 columns are required: Street Address, City, State and Zip.
    "Zip +4" header is required but data in that column is optional.

  3. Commercial: Only 5 columns are required: Location Name, Street Address, City, State and Zip. The "Zip +4" header is required but data in that column is optional.
    Location Name should be unique for each row, as that name is used for location names in any reports or downloads.

    1. Make sure that the "location name" in column A is unique for each line in your file.

  4. Remove any "address line 2" items like apartment numbers, suite numbers etc.

  5. Check that all addresses are in the 50 United States (i.e. no Canada, no Puerto Rico)

  6. Highlight all columns, sort by address column, (smallest to largest)

  7. Scroll down to the end of the listings that begin with numbers.

  8. Delete any rows that do not start with a number or that start with letter, like One Main, Tysons Corner, PO Box, P.O. Box, etc.

  9. Highlight all columns sort (smallest to largest) for the city column, the state column and the zip column to look for blanks and fill them in or delete the row, and make sure all States are indicated by their 2 letter state abbreviation.

  10. Check and delete any blank rows. Make sure each row has a valid address, city state and zip.

  11. Make sure all entries have a zip code. If missing zip codes, here is a free online tool (among many others) that you can paste addresses and batch look up the zip codes. Batch Address Check Tool | Melissa Lookups

  12. Verify there is an entry in ALL city, state and Zip Code columns (no blanks)

  13. Delete the following from the addresses (where “ * ” is wildcard)

  1. Use excel "find and replace", select the "Address" column (col. A in Residential and Col B in Commercial) and find and replace all periods with “”. Then do the same with commas. (see examples below)

  2. After you have removed all the street address 2 designations (#8) and all the periods and commas, use Excel’s “remove duplicate records” (or similar) function to remove any duplicates in the file.

  3. Use the 1 or 2 letter abbreviation for all addresses with Directional indications

NOTE*** Then, when complete, save the file as a UTF-8 type .csv file for upload.

Examples of Removing Characters or Apartment/Unit numbers below:

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