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Trade Area Audiences
Trade Area Audiences

Trade Area, Market Research, Geoframe Radius

Alyssa Paschke avatar
Written by Alyssa Paschke
Updated over a week ago

Understanding the trade area around a business is important for analyzing market behavior, demographics, and spending potential of consumers. The OnSpot Trade Area Audience tool allows users to capture devices from both Households or Workplaces within a specified radius around a Geoframe.

Below are the steps to create a trade area audience:

  • Build a Geoframe-based Audience (Geoframe, Commercial Address Upload, Quick Select, Lat/Long or identify an existing set of Geoframes in the library and create an audience from it.

*Note you can build a trade area audience with up to 50 Geoframes in the original audience.

  • Click on the action menu to the right of the Geoframe Audience and select “Create Trade Area Audience”

  • A screen will open with a few options to select from.

    • Set the radius to 1, 2, 5, or 10 miles – this will “draw” a radius of that distance around each Geoframe location.

    • Select whether you would like to capture Household devices, Workplace devices, or both

    • Give your audience a name and tag as usual

A new audience will be created in the library. All associated reports and downloads that are available for Geoframe audiences will also be available for Trade Area Audiences.

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