Creating A Geoframe
Navigate to Geoframes / Create Geoframe and start by searching an address, business name, or Point of Interest (POI). Draw the Geoframe by simply clicking your starting point, then clicking on the next point of your desired area, and ultimately re-clicking on the starting point to complete the polygon. The shape will turn blue when it is completed.
Access the drawing tool by clicking on this icon located in the upper right of the map.
Delete your polygon to make adjustments or start over by clicking into the center of the polygon, turning it yellow, and clicking the trash can icon in the upper right of the map.
After the Geoframe polygon is completed, select a date range using the calendar picker tool. There are default date ranges for the “latest week,” the “latest 30 days,” and the “latest 90 days.”
Select the “Get Count” button to pull a Device count after you’ve drawn your polygon and selected your date range. You do not need to select “Get Count” to save your Geoframe, but it is useful to see your Device count and make any necessary adjustments to your polygon or date range before saving.
Select the “Create Geoframe” button to save your Geoframe. Best practice is to identify a naming convention for your organization in both the location name and identifying tag(s) to help yourself and others search for the Geoframe in the library later.
Geoframe Library
Within the Geoframe library are features to help you manage the Geoframes saved in your organization, including the ability to see the Geoframe as drawn and the ability to Archive Geoframes to clean up your library. Click the 3 dot “action menu” on any Geoframe to see these options.
Create Geoframe Audience
Navigate to Audiences / Create Geoframe Audience and using the checkboxes, select one or multiple Geoframes to create a single audience. The right column will display the accumulated number of Geoframes selected and the total number of Devices within those selected Geoframes.