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Audience not publishing to The Trade Desk?
Audience not publishing to The Trade Desk?

publishing, publishing errors, The Trade Desk, TTD

Alyssa Paschke avatar
Written by Alyssa Paschke
Updated over a week ago

If you are receiving an error when publishing an audience to The Trade Desk, or receive an email notification that there was an issue with your publish job, please take the following steps to troubleshoot.

Check That The Trade Desk Credential Set is Enabled

Note: You must have administrator permissions to perform these steps. If you are not an administrator for your organization, please reach out to an admin or your OnSpot support contact.

Navigate to "Administer Organizations" and click "edit" next to your org.

Click on the "Publishing Credentials" tab and then on the "Trade Desk" tab. Double check that the credential set you are publishing to is enabled.

If a red "disabled" indicator is shown in the credential set list, toggle it to "enabled" and click save.

Check The Trade Desk credential set in Admin Settings (Advertiser ID and Secret Key)

Note: You must have administrator permissions to perform these steps. If you are not an administrator for your organization, please reach out to an admin or your OnSpot support contact.

Navigate to "Administer Organizations" and click "edit" next to your org.

Click on the "Publishing Credentials" tab and then on the "Trade Desk" tab. Double check that your advertiser ID and secret key match exactly what is displayed in your Trade Desk account and have no extra leading or trailing spaces, mistyped characters, etc.

Check The Naming Convention of Your Audience - No Special Characters

The Trade Desk will not accept audience names that contain special characters, for example long dashes (โ€”), apostrophes ( ' ), ampersands ( & ), or other special characters in the audience name. Double check the name of your audience and remove any special characters. Re-try your publish job.

If after following these steps you are still unable to publish your audience to The Trade Desk, please reach out to support.

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