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Enhanced Audience Analytics Reporting
Enhanced Audience Analytics Reporting

Insights Report, Demographics Report, Heatmap Report, Political Report

Alyssa Paschke avatar
Written by Alyssa Paschke
Updated over a week ago

We have made enhancements to Audience Analytics Reports. You can now apply additional customizations to Insights, Demographic, Heatmap, and Political Reports.

What’s New:

  • Custom cover page & final page with your branding or client branding

  • Custom text options including report title, website URL, and section descriptions

  • Custom logo upload option - .svg or .png image with minimum size of 500x500px

  • Custom Hour-of-Day dropdown menu for Insight reporting

  • Ability to download PDF version of report

Creating Enhanced Reports

Navigate to the audience library and click the 3 dot “action” menu to the left of the audience you would like to report on. Click “Generate/Share Reports”

Enter the following information:

  • Report title – optional

  • Company URL (recommended that it is your company) – optional

  • Upload a logo (recommended that it is the client or brand logo) – optional

  • Descriptions for each section of the report – optional

  • Start & End Hour for Visits – defaults to 8AM – 5PM. Use the dropdown menu to customize

Click the blue “Prepare” button to initiate Demographics & Insights Reports, Heatmap, Political Report, or all 3.

Once the job has completed, click the 3 dot “action” menu to the right of the audience, “view audience details” page, or click the link in the confirmation email you’ve received to view the reports. Click the checkbox on each report you’d like to view and select “Enhanced Reports.” This will open a new tab in your browser with the report. Alternatively, click “Download PDF” for a PDF file of the report.

Please reach out to your OnSpot Customer Success Manager for more information and training on the Enhanced Audience Analytics Reports.

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