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Creating Enhanced Attribution Reports

Attribution Reports, Foot Traffic Attribution, Online Attribution

Alyssa Paschke avatar
Written by Alyssa Paschke
Updated yesterday

We have made enhancements to Attribution Reports. You can now apply additional customizations to these reports from the OnSpot Data Management Platform (DMP).

What’s New:

  • Custom cover page & final page with your branding or client branding

  • Custom text options including report title, PDF title, and section descriptions

  • Custom logo upload option - .svg or .png image with minimum size of 500x500px

  • Custom “Visits by Weekday” menu including ability to hide this chart on the report

  • Option to show or hide “Top Performing Zip Code Boundary” map

  • Custom “Online Visits by Weekday” menu including ability to hide this chart on the report

  • Option to show or hide “Online Visits by Date” chart

  • Responder profile section showing Household Demographic profile of Attribution Responders in-person, online, or both.

  • Ability to download PDF version of report

Create Enhanced Attribution Report

Navigate to the left-hand menu of the platform and select “Create Attribution Report.”

Select the Target Audience(s) you would like to use using the search bar:

You have the option to select multiple target audiences, or audience publications (including extensions).

Select the Destination Audience(s) you would like to use using the search bar:

Again, you have the option to select multiple Destination audiences.

Enter the following information in Step 3 - “Customize Reports:”

Title Page Options

  • URL, PDF Title, Logo (Optional) - Note the logo should be an SVG or PNG file with a minimum size of 500x500px.

Attribution Summary Options

  • Description (Optional)

Footfall Attribution Options

  • Description (Optional)

  • Visits by Weekday – Show or hide this chart + choose days

  • Top Performing Zip Code Boundary Map – Show or hide this chart

Online Attribution Options – Note if you do not have a web pixel audience as a destination, you can skip this page.

  • Description (Optional)

  • Online Visits by Weekday – Display or hide this chart + Choose Days

  • Online Visits by Date – Show or hide this chart

  • Top Performing Zip Code Boundary Map – Show or hide this chart

Responders Options

  • Description (Optional)

Final Page Options

  • Conclusion (Optional)

  • Contact Email (Optional)

Give your report a name, tags, and click “Save & Run Report”

Once the job has completed the report will populate in the Attribution Library.

Please reach out to your OnSpot Customer Success Manager for more information and training on the Enhanced Attribution Reports.

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