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FAQs - Audiences

General questions, Audiences

Bill Joscelyn avatar
Written by Bill Joscelyn
Updated over a week ago

What types of audiences can I build?

The OnSpot platform allows user more methods of building audiences that any of our competitors. Read on to learn more about what audience types we offer.

Capture devices that have been at specific locations back in time. We call these "Geoframe-based" Audiences:

  1. GEOFRAME Audiences – Using a map to draw a polygon, or multiple polygons around a certain geographic location, during a certain date range. Learn more about creating Geoframes and Geoframe Audiences here.

  2. QUICK SELECT Audiences – A quick way to search for specific business names or categories through hundreds of thousands of business locations. Create an audience based on location, radius from rooftop center, and date range.

  3. COMMERCIAL ADDRESS AUDIENCE – Create an audience based on a list of commercial locations. This option offers a quick and efficient way of drawing polygons around these commercial locations from their address. Select a date range and radius for the polygons.

  4. TRADE AREA AUDIENCE - Draw a radius around your Geoframed location, and capture Mobile Devices from Households, Workplaces, or both that fall within the specified radius. Learn more about Trade Area Audiences here.

We also allow for users to upload location data into the platform to build Geoframe Audiences. We accept .csv files with Latitude/Longitude (Lat/Long) data, and GeoJSON or KML location files.

Capture devices based on their household and Demographic characteristics. (How many devices fall into the categories I selected)

  1. DEMOGRAPHIC SELECTOR – Create an audience that will return MAIDs associated with household demographic and customer loyalty data. This enables OnSpot to provide geographic and demographic characteristics - including age, gender, financial information, interests, etc. to further enhance the value of those MAIDs. Select between approx. 180 filters starting with Geography, Demographics, Interests, Household financial information, Ethnicity, Charitable Donations, and Political profiles.

  2. PREDICTED MOVERS AUDIENCE – Create an audience based on historical behavior patterns to identify MAIDs that are likely to move to a new home address. Users can get a Predicted Movers MAID Audience for digital campaigns and reporting or street addresses for direct mail. Simply select the zip codes and month you would like to collect Devices for. Learn more about Predicted Movers audiences here.

  3. RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS AUDIENCE – Create an audience based on a list of residential addresses to draw connections between residential addresses and the Devices that have been determined to be part of that household.

Capture digital or in-person visitors to a desired location in response to a marketing campaign.

  1. RESPONDER AUDIENCE - Derived from an Attribution Report, a responder audience contains Mobile Ad IDs (MAIDs) that showed up to the destination location(s) specified in the original report. Click on the “action” menu from an attribution report in the library to create a Responder Audience.

  2. WEB PIXEL AUDIENCE - Drop a pixel on a website or landing page and this tool will convert IP addresses / non-mobile web traffic into Mobile Ad IDs (MAIDs) or a direct mail list. Alternatively, upload an outside list of IP addresses for conversion.

Audience Extensions

A “Regular Audience” captures the Mobile Ad IDs seen within the base audience created using any of the methods above. Extensions expand your audiences reach, scale, and accuracy. This will enhance your campaign targeting & performance. There are several audience extensions:

  1. HOUSEHOLD - Add additional devices associated to the Household of the Regular audience.

  2. SOCIAL - Social extension can be described as “Real World Friends and Co-Workers” and does not relate to social network “followers”. These are people that are not family members within the same household but includes friends and co-workers with frequent, meaningful interaction.

  3. LOOKALIKE - Lookalike expands reach based on similarities in demographic, location, behavioral and temporal data. This feature expands on the concept of using demographic lookalike audiences by layering in location behavior to further refine the lookalike audience for improved performance.

  4. LEGACY HOUSEHOLD - created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, where visitor volumes to brick-and-mortar locations significantly decreased. Read more on this extension here.

Can a mobile id be listed in a Regular Audience and then also listed in the Extended Audience?

Yes. As mentioned above, the Extended Audience contains ALL the mobile devices in the "regular" audience and in the selected extensions. When creating an audience and selecting the "regular" audience and any extensions during the publishing process, the devices from the regular audience will also be displayed when we combine the 2 types (Regular and Extended) in a device report or download. The exception to this is the "Household Extended" download that isolates devices that we were able to associate with the household address of the "regular" audience.

Why are some audiences showing huge numbers of devices?  What are "Hot Spots?"

Mobile ad fraud is the attempt to defraud advertisers, publishers or supply partners by exploiting mobile advertising technology. Fraudsters use bots to spoof devices seen at a location to simulate using an app or seeing a mobile ad. The lat/long used in hot spot cases causes the counts of mobile ids seen at a location to skyrocket and increase the normal devices seen by a huge percentage. In Geoframe and Quick Select audiences, there is something you can do to identify a hot spot. In the Audience Library, click the 3 dot "action" menu and click "view details."  Go to the Geoframe tab, and find the offending location by looking at device count. If it is a Geoframe audience, try building the Geoframe using multiple parts, adding one at a time, until you find the area of the hot spot.  Then recreate the Geoframe omitting that area. In a Quick Select audience, create a new audience without the offender location.

For more Geoframe best practices, check out this article.

What is the standard lookback window?

Lookback refers to the date range you select date range to capture mobile devices seen at a specific location or set of locations. OnSpot uses a 12-month rolling calendar look back. In other words, you can select a date range up to 12 months back from the current month. Geoframes and associated audiences can be built for custom date periods within that 12 months. We recommend audience date windows of 30-90 days for most campaigns. (NOTE: Data outside those 12 months is removed and archived from our server and no longer available for use.)

How does a "Commercial Address Upload" differ from drawing Geoframes?

The upload tool will quickly create an audience from a .csv file of commercial (business) addresses. Think of it like "auto geoframing," to find devices at those locations for a specific date period. Using our template for proper formatting of location name, street address, city, state and zips, you would (globally) enter the radius from the addresses roof top center, date range and tag(s). The options (radius, date range, etc) are universally set for all addresses in the list and are consistent for the entire list. If you need to have different radiuses for some of the locations, separate audiences will need to be created.  (Note: Maximum number of addresses is 50k per upload).

Can I specify different radiuses for some of the Addresses used in the “Create Commercial Address Audience”?

No, the radiuses selected and the look back date period apply to all addresses uploaded.

How does a "Residential Address Upload" work?

Residential (household) addresses can be pulled from your client’s sales lists, CRMs, voter registration files, etc. and the formatted .csv file will create an audience of all mobile devices we are able to associate to the household. This includes what we call the "Household Extension" during audience publishing. This extensions returns ALL mobile devices in the household. (Note: Maximum number of addresses is 50k per upload).

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