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What types of audiences can I build?
What types of audiences can I build?

Audience types, methods, build

Bill Joscelyn avatar
Written by Bill Joscelyn
Updated over a week ago

The OnSpot platform allows user more methods of building audiences that any of our competitors. Read on to learn more about what audience types we offer.

Capture devices that have been at specific locations back in time. We call these "Geoframe-based" Audiences:

  1. GEOFRAME Audiences – Using a map to draw a polygon, or multiple polygons around a certain geographic location, during a certain date range. Learn more about creating Geoframes and Geoframe Audiences here.

  2. QUICK SELECT Audiences – A quick way to search for specific business names or categories through hundreds of thousands of business locations, including major regional and national brands. The tool will auto-polgyon the business locations that meet the Quick Select criteria.

  3. COMMERCIAL ADDRESS AUDIENCE – Create an audience based on a list of commercial locations. This option offers a quick and efficient way of auto-drawing polygons around these commercial locations from their address. The tool will auto-polgyon the business locations that match to our POI database.

  4. TRADE AREA AUDIENCE - Draw a radius around your Geoframed location, and capture Mobile Devices from Households, Workplaces, or both that fall within the specified radius. Learn more about Trade Area Audiences here.

We also allow for users to upload location data into the platform to build Geoframe Audiences. We accept .csv files with Latitude/Longitude (Lat/Long) data, and GeoJSON or KML location files.

Capture devices based on their Household and Demographic characteristics. (How many devices fall into the categories I selected)

  1. DEMOGRAPHIC SELECTOR – Create an audience that will return MAIDs associated with household demographic and customer loyalty data. This enables OnSpot to provide geographic and demographic characteristics - including age, gender, financial information, interests, etc. to further enhance the value of those MAIDs. Select between approx. 180 filters starting with Geography, Demographics, Interests, Household financial information, Ethnicity, Charitable Donations, and Political profiles.

  2. PREDICTED MOVERS AUDIENCE – Create an audience based on historical behavior patterns to identify MAIDs that are likely to move to a new home address. Users can get a Predicted Movers MAID Audience for digital campaigns and reporting or street addresses for direct mail. Simply select the zip codes and month you would like to collect Devices for. Learn more about Predicted Movers audiences here.

  3. RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS AUDIENCE – Create an audience based on a list of residential addresses to draw connections between residential addresses and the Devices that have been determined to be part of that household.

Capture digital or in-person visitors to a desired location in response to a marketing campaign.

  1. RESPONDER AUDIENCE - Derived from an Attribution Report, a responder audience contains Mobile Ad IDs (MAIDs) that showed up to the destination location(s) specified in the original report. Click on the “action” menu from an attribution report in the library to create a Responder Audience.

  2. WEB PIXEL AUDIENCE - Drop a pixel on a website or landing page and this tool will convert IP addresses / non-mobile web traffic into Mobile Ad IDs (MAIDs) or a direct mail list. Alternatively, upload an outside list of IP addresses for conversion.

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